
IYA 2009 – I need sleep

Posted in IYA2009 at 17:53 by Kathleen

You will forgive me if I do not write much today, but I have not seen a bed in more than 36 hours. I have been travelling then visiting with my family. Hilo – Québec City is a long way, no matter how you put it.

A consequence of choosing a career in astronomy is that you will mostly likely have to move away from your family. And it is quite common that ‘away’ is even another country. For people interested in the observatory setting, then that pretty much means Hawai’i or Chile.

I will revisit this, especially in light of my recent “Christmas Holiday” (sigh!), but right now I have to sleep.

By the way, my niece (1 month and half) is the cutest thing; I met her for the first time today.

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