
WoM – Here’s an idea: Week of Mixology

Posted in Mixology at 10:48 by Kathleen

It all started with a Blue Hawaiian on a Sunday night.

Then I realized that I had an almost full can of coconut cream opened. While sipping my tasty Blue Hawaiian and getting silly replies on Facebook from my former boss to the effect that I should give that Hawaiian some oxygen, I started looking into other drink recipes that would use that coconut cream.

Now, I can cook Thai and I know how to use coconut cream, but the thought of mixing and drinking that coconut cream seemed more fun at the time.

Since that Blue Hawaiian was ginormous, I set to hold on and try the next drinks on Monday evening. I settled on Green Eyes. It seemed like a nice thematic follow-up: silly name, great colour, coconut cream, and an opportunity for my former boss to make yet another stupid comment.

That turned out to be fun. It was clear on Monday night that I had to have one new, fancy drink each night until Saturday: the Week of Mixology was born.

The week ended and I had mixed seven new drinks, some obscure, some classic, some good, some not so interesting. The trend had been various combinations of funny name, great colour, and/or coconut cream. It had been great fun and clearly it had to be repeated. Also, during that week I discovered that friends were following my Facebook comment each night, often asking for more information about the drink.

The interest, mine and my friends’, was large enough to motivate me to start thinking about the next Week of Mixology. It came a couple weeks later.

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