
IYA 2009 – The end of the vacation is looming

Posted in IYA2009 at 17:02 by Kathleen

I got caught by office work late last night. Stupid Internet. Nah! It is not that bad. Thanks to Internet I was able to do maintenance on our observing program. That sort of work is not very ‘brain consuming’, so I do not mind doing it while on vacation. The problem is that I had to connect to the office and hence my office mail got downloaded. And I could not resist…

I had to survey my work email once it was right there in front of my eyes. I am back to work next week. However, from the look of it, I will have to work a bit on the weekend. The observatory planning, the Dataflow PDR (preliminary design review), the summit operation account configuration, catching up with many dozens of email, the list goes on and on. Next week is going to be awful. I guess it will be a good continuation to the vacation I spent sick almost the whole time.

Ah! So many cheery thoughts!

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